:: Da' Militant One's Lair ::

Da' Militant One has arrived to ''tell it like it is'' and give his unique perspective on today's issues across the political, social, and economic landscapes. His specialty is stickin' it to ''the Man''. Email at Militantone@comcast.net  
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:: Sunday, May 23, 2004 ::


I think the word that properly describes many Americans is "tired." We tired of listening to Bush Administration lies and we are tired of their accolytes' constant lies and distortions. We are tired of hearing how the Iraqis have new schools, clean water, electricity and the like when the United States' infrastructure is crumbling. We are tired of soldiers dying and mothers crying. We are tired of the conservative right wing of the republican party using God in fundamentally dishonest ways. We are tired of the lack of personal and professional accountability. We are tired of legitimate criticsm of Bush being called unpatriotic and Bush hating. We are tired of the lie that is the Iraq war. We are tired of the Bush Administration's failure to acknowledge that the huge budget deficcits will definitely hurt America economically in the long run. We are just plain tired! John Kerry may not be the end all be all, but he can not screw it up any more than it already is.

Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 5/23/2004 08:15:00 AM [+] ::
Torture Defined

Torture as defined by the Look Way Up web site:

1. [v] torment emotionally or mentally. More...

2. [n] extreme mental distress. More...

3. [v] subject to torture. More...

4. [n] the act of torturing someone. More...

5. [n] the act of distorting something so it seems to mean something it was not intended to mean. More...

6. [n] intense feelings of suffering; acute mental or physical pain. More...

7. [n] unbearable physical pain. More...

Now based on what you have seen in the Iraqi Prisoner photos, is it torture?

Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 5/23/2004 08:11:00 AM [+] ::
:: Thursday, May 13, 2004 ::

I have an admission to make. I actually like Donald Rumsfeld and I don't think that he should resign. Rummy is not the problem. The real problem is Dick Cheney and his neo-cons. Look they even got to Colin Powell. (Remember the speech at the U.N.) I think the Rummy and Colin are two decent guys who were duped by Cheney and his accolytes. Like Powell I think that Rumsfeld is now trying to now deal with reality. This is what happens when you lay down with dogs: You get up with fleas.

Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 5/13/2004 07:30:00 PM [+] ::
:: Monday, May 10, 2004 ::
The Man Who Should Be President

He's a Vietnam Vet and a highly decorated soldier. He has served in the United States Senate for many years. He has been unfairly maligned by the Bush Administration and his minions. He is truly a man of our time. He is fair and balanced, thoughtful, and decisive. He should be the next President of the United States. I just watched him on television giving an interview. The conservative republicans have made a grave mistake because this man has integrity and true character. The next President of the United States should be ... John McCain! I had you all going there for a minute. I still like Johnnie Mac and he would be a hugh improvement over the Dauphin and Lurch!

Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 5/10/2004 09:35:00 PM [+] ::
Interview with Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Fred Barnes

Militantone: Gentlemen, I understand that you believe that John Kerry and the Democrats are playing politics with the Iraqi prisoner issue.

Hannity: Waahh! Waahhh! Waaaahhhhh!
Limbaugh" Heh, heh, heh!
Barnes: Aarraugghhh!

Militantone: Alright? Next question. Are the democrats acting unpatriotic for wanting to know the truth behind the Iraqi prisoner incidents?

Hannity: Waahh! Waahhh! Waaaahhhhh!
Limbaugh" Heh, heh, heh!
Barnes: Aarraugghhh!

Militantone: Okay, gentlemen, I see that we are having difficulty holding in our emotions. Let me try one more time. How does the title, "President Kerry," strike you?

Hannity: Waahh! Waahhh! Waaaahhhhh!
Limbaugh" Heh, heh, heh!
Barnes: Aarraugghhh!

Militantone: Well there you have it. The best articulation I've heard to date of the conservative right's position on the Iraqi prisoner issue and John Kerry. This is the Militant One signing off.

Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 5/10/2004 06:15:00 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, May 09, 2004 ::
The Far Left and War

Some on the Far Left are confusing just wars with unjust wars. Afghanistan is a just war. Osama crashed planes into the World trade Center and the Pentagon. He was being habored by the Taliban. We attack the Taliban and drive them from power. See that is what you do when you are attacked and innocent civilians are slaughtered. That Bush has screwed up certain victory by not committing enough troops does not diminish the justness of the war.

Now Iraq is a differect story. It is an unjust war. We went in on phony evidence and drove out Saddam. Excuse me, but I thought the two primary objectives of the war were WMD and regime change. There are and never were any WMD and Saddam is history. So now what is the point? Democracy? Better schools and hospitals? Oil? We are now fighting mostly Iraqis. Many who were oppressed under Saddam. Liberators? Hardly. The Iraqi people are showing that our presence is no longer required. Fine. Let's turn this thing over lock, stock and barrel come June 30th and leave. Wait, what do you mean? We broke it so we own it? Oh yeah, that's what Colin Powell said to Bush prior to the invasion.

The Far Left is now railing against both wars. Their arguments would be more effective if they acknowledged that some wars were necessary even if bungled by politicians. There are valid and cogent points to be made in both cases; however, the United States need never apologize for defending itself. Now making up evidence to go to war is a different issue altogether!

Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 5/09/2004 05:53:00 AM [+] ::
Ted Rall is an Idiot

In case you don't know Ted Rall is a cartoonist who is part of the far left. He drew a cartoon the other day that pretty much called Pat Tillman a fool for giving up pro football to serve his country as a soldier. Pat Tillman was a very decent guy who realized that he wanted to do something more meaningful for his country. That he was killed is tragic, but he was no fool. Even I called a recruiter after 9/11. It's been almost 20 years since I left the Army, but I was ready to go back in. Since I am the only republican in my family I didn't have much support. In addition no one wants to deal with the prospect of me not surviving a tour in Iraq or Afghanistan. Well Pat Tillman didn't just think about it, he actually gave up his glamourous life to serve his country. I think the fool in this cartoon flap is Ted Rall. Pat Tillman is not responsible for Bush's Iraq debacle. Also, Tillman was in Afghanistan, a war which was appropriate to prosecute after 9/11. Do not confuse the two. That we screwed up in Afghanistan by not finishing off Osama is not Tillman's fault either. Tillman is one of many brave Americans who gave their lives in the service of the country. Ted Rall is an idiot!

Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 5/09/2004 05:12:00 AM [+] ::
I'm Not The Only One

Here's part of an article that appears this morning in the Washington Post:

Dissension Grows In Senior Ranks On War Strategy
U.S. May Be Winning Battles in Iraq But Losing the War, Some Officers Say
By Thomas E. Ricks
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, May 9, 2004; Page A01

Deep divisions are emerging at the top of the U.S. military over the course of the occupation of Iraq, with some senior officers beginning to say that the United States faces the prospect of casualties for years without achieving its goal of establishing a free and democratic Iraq.

Their major worry is that the United States is prevailing militarily but failing to win the support of the Iraqi people. That view is far from universal, but it is spreading and being voiced publicly for the first time.

Army Maj. Gen. Charles H. Swannack Jr., the commander of the 82nd Airborne Division, who spent much of the year in western Iraq, said he believes that at the tactical level at which fighting occurs, the U.S. military is still winning. But when asked whether he believes the United States is losing, he said, "I think strategically, we are."

Army Col. Paul Hughes, who last year was the first director of strategic planning for the U.S. occupation authority in Baghdad, said he agrees with that view and noted that a pattern of winning battles while losing a war characterized the U.S. failure in Vietnam. "Unless we ensure that we have coherency in our policy, we will lose strategically," he said in an interview Friday.

"I lost my brother in Vietnam," added Hughes, a veteran Army strategist who is involved in formulating Iraq policy. "I promised myself, when I came on active duty, that I would do everything in my power to prevent that [sort of strategic loss] from happening again. Here I am, 30 years later, thinking we will win every fight and lose the war, because we don't understand the war we're in."

The emergence of sharp differences over U.S. strategy has set off a debate, a year after the United States ostensibly won a war in Iraq, about how to preserve that victory. The core question is how to end a festering insurrection that has stymied some reconstruction efforts, made many Iraqis feel less safe and created uncertainty about who actually will run the country after the scheduled turnover of sovereignty June 30.

Inside and outside the armed forces, experts generally argue that the U.S. military should remain there but should change its approach. Some argue for more troops, others for less, but they generally agree on revising the stated U.S. goals to make them less ambitious. They are worried by evidence that the United States is losing ground with the Iraqi public.

Some officers say the place to begin restructuring U.S. policy is by ousting Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, whom they see as responsible for a series of strategic and tactical blunders over the past year. Several of those interviewed said a profound anger is building within the Army at Rumsfeld and those around him.

A senior general at the Pentagon said he believes the United States is already on the road to defeat. "It is doubtful we can go on much longer like this," he said. "The American people may not stand for it -- and they should not."

Asked who was to blame, this general pointed directly at Rumsfeld and Deputy Defense Secretary Paul D. Wolfowitz. "I do not believe we had a clearly defined war strategy, end state and exit strategy before we commenced our invasion," he said. "Had someone like Colin Powell been the chairman [of the Joint Chiefs of Staff], he would not have agreed to send troops without a clear exit strategy. The current OSD [Office of the Secretary of Defense] refused to listen or adhere to military advice."

Like several other officers interviewed for this report, this general spoke only on the condition that his name not be used. One reason for this is that some of these officers deal frequently with the senior Pentagon civilian officials they are criticizing, and some remain dependent on top officials to approve their current efforts and future promotions. Also, some say they believe that Rumsfeld and other top civilians punish public dissent. Senior officers frequently cite what they believe was the vindictive treatment of then-Army Chief of Staff Gen. Eric K. Shinseki after he said early in 2003 that the administration was underestimating the number of U.S. troops that would be required to occupy postwar Iraq.

Here a post I did a few days ago:

Thu May 06, 06:57:03 PM | Da' Militant 1 | edit ]
The Dauphin Capitulates

George Bush capitulated to the Arab world today during a shameful and incoherent press conference. It did not help that the King of Jordan spoke better english than the so-called leader of the free world. The Dauphin acknowledged that he told the King of Jordan that he was sorry for what happened to the Iraqi prisoners at the hands of the U.S. military. That he was too cowardly to say that he was sorry yesterday when he truly had the world's spotlight has once again caused the U.S. to lose even more of its already tattered credibility. The Arab world now sees the Dauphin in his true light. A craven and moral coward who should never had been appointed to the presidency. Those of you "kool aid" drinkers out there who still support him, why? You are for ever telling the rest of us that he is doing a wonderful job. And he is, only it is in recruiting more talent for Osama and all other folks who can't stand America. I guess there are no more standards of conduct for a president. I will trade Bill Clinton's lie about Monica over Bush's serial crimes any day. Read through my other posts if you want a running documentary of his crimes. This is a "Chistian" nation? You allow an incompentent fool to continue to masquerade as president and everything he touches turns to failure. The war in Iraq is unwinnable no matter how many Iraqis we kill and maim. See, the war has been lost in the court of world opinion and we no longer hold the moral high ground. Read Colin Powell's interview in this month's GQ. It says it all. High crimes, misdemeanors and assorted other crimes have been perpetrated by the Bush Administration and it is time for another impeachment. The lies of Iraq, the outing of a CIA operative, the funnelling of $700 million for the Afghanistan war to plan for the war in Iraq just to name a few of the "high crimes." Like Master Po told Grasshopper, "It is time for you to leave."

Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 5/09/2004 04:53:00 AM [+] ::
:: Saturday, May 08, 2004 ::
Sit Down and Shut Up

Memo to conservative republicans. It's time for some of you to shutup and sit down. The country has been doing it your way for the past three years. We have record deficits, two wars that don't seem to have a conclusion, and the hatred of the world. This is what happens when arrogant phony hypocrites hijack America foreign policy. To see you pontificating at the Iraqi prisoner abuse hearings is a joke. Your boy Rush doesn't have to filter or shade his words and you know that most of you feel the same way. Rush says its no more than a "fraternity prank" and troops letting off steam. Your biggest outrage is that this has come to light and the world is outraged. The fact that you have to qualify all of your comments about how wonderful the rest of the troops are performing is an indication at least to many that your outrage is dubious at best. Most of the world knows that the vast majority of American soldiers are solid professionals. That some in the Arab world and Europe feel differently is more of a function of their overall disdain for the Bush Administration and its policies. Get used to it because if the Dauphin is reappointed we will have at least four more years of disgrace and misery. You talk about schools being built, clean water being available and hospitals being built in Iraq. Sounds like a job for the Peace Corps. How about the hospital closings that have gone on in the Nation's Capital in the past few years? Don't hear you bragging about that.

The bitter truth is that the American government has moved so far to the right that it no longer represents those high ideals that were hallmarks to the rest of the world. No dissent was allowed after 9/11. Not once did you look back and admit a mistake. You just kept on pushing your narrow ideological agenda damn the consequences. Is it that you think biblical prophesy is being revealed? Well don't be surprised if you will be taking the "down" elevator because there is nothing christian about what is going on with the so-called christian right. None of the carnage would be happening without your blessing to the Bush Administration. Your insistence that the country go to war in Iraq was wholly without merit or substance. Any reader of history and warfare would have surmised that the true battles in Iraq would be fought in the cities not the desert. Saddam had no air force. His armor was poor and his soldiers were not very good desert fighters against the U.S. Now if the Iraqis could lure the Americans into the cities, they could then start the body count. And now the battle has been joined. Surprise, surprise! Pictures of naked Iraqis and sadistic American soldiers begin to flood the Internet. Why are you surprised? Our policies have been anti-arab and pro-Israel for many years. The soldiers who now serve in Iraq grew up hearing and seeing nothing, but negative images of arabs and Iraqis. You then send them over to fight these images and guess what? Some American soldiers begin to humilate and degrade a bunch of worthless so and sos who are killing their friends and keeping them from seeing their families. That the abuse was probably at least tacitly ordered by military intelligence or some other entity shows how easy even the best of us can be pulled into the madness. The fact is that the conservative right has had its chance and has screwed up at every turn. Now it's time for you to sit down and shut up!

Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 5/08/2004 03:03:00 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, May 06, 2004 ::
Sounds like War Crimes

Groups Say They Cited Iraq Prison Abuse

By LEE KEATH, Associated Press Writer

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraq oldest human rights group and the international Red Cross said Thursday that they complained repeatedly last year about mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners, long before the U.S. Army began investigating abuse allegations. The Human Rights Organization in Iraq said it got little response from American administrators, although the Red Cross said U.S. officials made some changes after it pointed to specific practices at the Abu Ghraib prison. The U.S. military began an investigation at Abu Ghraib in January, after an American guard informed commanders of abuses inflicted by colleagues. The probe has since widened into a look at whether there was systematic abuse at detention facilities in Iraq and Afghanistan. The scandal mushroomed after pictures became public last week showing abuses at Abu Ghraib. Photos of smiling American guards stripping Iraqi prisoners and sexually humiliating them set off an international outcry and outraged Arabs. President Bush apologized Thursday, saying he was "sorry for the humiliation suffered by the Iraqi prisoners and the humiliation suffered by their families." He said the images had made Americans "sick to their stomach." Adel al-Allami, an official at the Iraqi human rights organization, said his group tried for months last year to get an audience with U.S. occupation officials. He said it wanted to present a list of reported abuses at prisons as well as complaints about mistreatment of Iraqis during U.S. raids on homes in the search for insurgents.
"We knew of many human rights violations and sent a number of memos," al-Allami said, saying the group had reports of detainees being beaten and deprived of sleep. Iraqi civilians also complain about heavy-handed methods used by soldiers during raids, including the hooding of detainees, damage to homes and theft of property, he said. The human rights organization, which was founded in 1960 but kept a low profile during Saddam Hussein 's regime, asked repeatedly for meetings with coalition officials, but each time officials "would give excuses for not meeting," al-Allami said.

The group finally got a meeting three weeks ago and presented requests for compensation for mistreated Iraqis, he said. "The treatment of these issues has not been positive at all," he said of U.S. administrators. "They have felt that Americans have total protection from any sort of prosecution ... This is the authority of the strong over the weak." Red Cross teams have been visiting Abu Ghraib every five or six weeks since last year, the organization's regional spokeswoman, Nada Doumani, told The Associated Press by telephone from Amman, Jordan. "We were aware of what was going on, and based on our findings we have repeatedly requested the U.S. authorities to take corrective action," she said.
She said U.S. officials did make some changes, but added that they were not necessarily connected directly to "this issue about having naked people like this or like that, or homosexual practices." She said Red Cross regulations prevented her from being specific about what practices the organization complained about or what corrections were taken. The Army investigation at Abu Ghraib found that military police had on at least one occasion hidden prisoners during a visit by a Red Cross delegation. A two-month-old report, disclosed last week, said the incident included six to eight prisoners and noted that "this maneuver was deceptive, contrary to Army Doctrine and in violation of international law."

Secretary of State Colin Powell telephoned the international Red Cross president, Jakob Kellenberger, on Thursday to assure him that the U.S. government was dealing with the reported abuse of Iraqi detainees. "We will answer in a comprehensive way," Powell told reporters. Six American guards have been charged and seven other officials have been disciplined for abuses investigated in January. But since then, evidence has grown that abuse was not an isolated occurrence. The Army disclosed Tuesday that it was looking into 10 prisoner deaths and said two other deaths already had been ruled homicides. On Wednesday, an intelligence official said the CIA inspector general was examining two additional deaths involving agency interrogators.

Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 5/06/2004 07:25:00 PM [+] ::
My Take on John Kerry

I think that John Kerry is a good man and a weak candidate. He can't seem to put passion in his words or inspiration in his actions. Now is the time for Kerry to seize the moment and engage Bush fully. Instead he is an antidote for No-Doz. Unbelievably lackluster and wooden. Kerry one big asset is that he is not George W. Bush. However, this is not enough to beat Bush. Bush is a spoiled rich kid who needs to be confronted face to face with zeal and conviction. Alas, I don't know that Kerry is the man to do it.

Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 5/06/2004 07:13:00 PM [+] ::
Should Rumsfield be fired?

In a word, "No." Rumsfield is not doing anything that Bush is disapproving of. Who should take Runsfield's place? Another hand-picked incompetent? Come Novmber you all can make sure that both Rumsfield and Bush join the ranks of the unemployed

Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 5/06/2004 07:05:00 PM [+] ::
The Dauphin Capitulates

George Bush capitulated to the Arab world today during a shameful and incoherent press conference. It did not help that the King of Jordan spoke better english than the so-called leader of the free world. The Dauphin acknowledged that he told the King of Jordan that he was sorry for what happened to the Iraqi prisoners at the hands of the U.S. military. That he was too cowardly to say that he was sorry yesterday when he truly had the world's spotlight has once again caused the U.S. to lose even more of its already tattered credibility. The Arab world now sees the Dauphin in his true light. A craven and moral coward who should never had been appointed to the presidency. Those of you "kool aid" drinkers out there who still support him, why? You are for ever telling the rest of us that he is doing a wonderful job. And he is, only it is in recruiting more talent for Osama and all other folks who can't stand America. I guess there are no more standards of conduct for a president. I will trade Bill Clinton's lie about Monica over Bush's serial crimes any day. Read through my other posts if you want a running documentary of his crimes. This is a "Chistian" nation? You allow an incompentent fool to continue to masquerade as president and everything he touches turns to failure. The war in Iraq is unwinnable no matter how many Iraqis we kill and maim. See, the war has been lost in the court of world opinion and we no longer hold the moral high ground. Read Colin Powell's interview in this month's GQ. It says it all. High crimes, misdemeanors and assorted other crimes have been perpetrated by the Bush Administration and it is time for another impeachment. The lies of Iraq, the outing of a CIA operative, the funnelling of $700 million for the Afghanistan war to plan for the war in Iraq just to name a few of the "high crimes." Like Master Po told Grasshopper, "It is time for you to leave."

Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 5/06/2004 06:57:00 PM [+] ::
:: Sunday, May 02, 2004 ::
Victory in Fallujah

The Iraqi insurgents and terrorists celebrated a victory today when the Bush Administration ordered marines to withdrawal from Fallujah. The proud marines were forced to stand down as the casuality rate is too high and is starting to interfere with Bush's reelection campaign. A senior admnistration official stated that "one or two soldiers dying each week is better for our re-election efforts. Besides we only wanted the oil fields anyway." The Iraqi insurgents and terrorists say that their great victory is made greater by the fact that with Saddam gone they now have no one to keep them in check. They laughed and said that while they knew that Saddam was keeping a lid on a hornet's nest, they hoped to convince the world that he was an "evil doer", a "bad man", and a "brutal dictator". They all proceeded to shout "Mission Accomplished".

Back in the White House George W. Bush took a nap while Dick Cheney fielded questions.

Question: Where is the president?

Cheney: He is taking his afternoon nap.

Question: Shouldn't he be answering these questions?

Cheney: Heh, heh, heh. Look little Georgie had a rough day. They pre-empted the Bugs Bunny Roadrunner Hour this morning and we were all out of Bosco.

Question: Wow, that does sound like a rough morning.

At that moment, the president walked into the room rubbing his eyes and crying that the loud voices woke him up. Vice President Cheney preceded to give the President a glass of warm milk, burbed him and sent him back to bed. The President began to cry and Cheney read him his favorite bedtime story, "Curious George". The President finally fell asleep and Cheney asked us to lower our voices

Cheney: I only have time for a few questions.

Question: Why did we withdraw from Fallujah?

Cheney: We did not withdraw, we redistributed our forces.

Question: But the Iraqi insurgents and terrorist elements are calling this a major defeat for the U.S. and a victory for terrorism.

Cheney: Listen, no one is more committed to fighting terrorism than this president. That show off John Kerry would have terrorists running his foreign policy.

Question: Then why give up on Fallujah?

Cheney: We haven't. As we speak we have one of Saddam's former generals leading an all-Iraqi battalion in Fallujah.

Question: A former general of Saddam's?

Cheney: You betcha'.

Question: Wasn't one of the objectives of the war to rid Iraq of Saddam and his military apparatus?

Cheney: Of, course.

Question: Then why is the general being permitted to lead troops.

Cheney: Have you seen those Iraqi insurgents and terrorists? They're mean guys. They keep shooting at us.

Question: Well, Sir, this is a war and we are shooting at them.

Cheney: Yeah, but they were supposed to welcome us with open arms.

Question: What happened?

Cheney: They didn't get the memo.

Question: What is the strategy now?

Cheney: No further questions.

Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 5/02/2004 11:10:00 AM [+] ::
Ode to Sleepy John

Awake, awake my stout tall friend
the election is a coming
the Bush machine is in full swing
it's locked, loaded and humming.

Now is the time to make your name
so leap into the fray
not tomorrow, not next week
right now, right here, today

Awake from your slumber the hour is late
and your chances are growing slimmer
The country can't afford another four years of Bush,
the Dauphin, our light is growing dimmer

Open your eyes and stand to post
For you have a charge to keep
and I have many more posts to write
and miles before I sleep

Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 5/02/2004 10:01:00 AM [+] ::
John Kerry Lives

Despite news to the contrary John Kerry is alive. Yeah I know, I saw him on Meet the Press and I couldn't tell either. John get some pep in your step. You don't have to Howard Dean it, but can you at least show some passion? Bush has given you so many openings and all you can do is argue about ribbons and medals. Who cares what Cheney and the chickenhawks say? Just look them in the eye call them cowards and move on. I here that vitamin B-12 does wonders. I thought that at one point during your interview with Tim "Fats" Russert, he was going to put a mirror under your nose to see if you were still breathing. The dour patrician statesman look is old. Show some energy!

Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 5/02/2004 09:46:00 AM [+] ::
Email address is: militant.one@att.net
I read all responses. I will post responses along with my reply. Watch raw language. Remember Michael Powell runs the FCC.

:: DM1 5/02/2004 09:39:00 AM [+] ::
Iraqi POWs

What can you say? We blew it. What little dignity we have left is gone. This is what happens when you start to dig a hole and can't stop. It's had to have the moral pulpit when you are doing the same thing that you are accusing others of. Well at least we didn't burn them and string the from a bridge. That is your response? If that's the best you can do, then we are truly in big trouble!

:: DM1 5/02/2004 08:48:00 AM [+] ::
Here's A Letter from an Old Man who has it Right

Cowards shouldn't quibble or accuse
May 1, 2004

WHAT'S ALL this horse manure about ribbons and medals? And it comes from absentee Dick Cheney and semi-AWOL George Bush. How dare the administration's Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz, who skipped the war of their time, send 700 young Americans to their deaths.

We now watch in amazement as the coalition of wimps tries to diminish John Kerry's service!

I won some medals flying against the Nazis. Now I can't even find my medals or ribbons. The terminology is irrelevant. The ribbons are just the wearable stand-ins for the medals. They aren't important except for being symbols of service. All sevicemen's discharge papers record the awards.

I recall the day my wife and I camped out on Lexington Green with John Kerry and the Vietnam Veterans Against the War. We and hundreds of the region's solid citizens believed that members of the US military who had been hoodwinked into fighting a dirty and mistaken war deserved our support.

Kerry was right as a patriot to put his life on the line and then, with the wisdom that came from his experience in Vietnam, to do his best to end the slaughter of young Americans. If that's what this Republican flip-flop issue is about, I think the Bush camp should be ashamed. Cowards shouldn't quibble and accuse. They didn't earn the right.


That pretty mush sums up a lot of the anger towards the "chickenhawks". I will give Rummy and Colin their due because they served honorably. Bush, Cheney, Woofy, and the rest didn't step up when they could have. Neither did Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, Hume, Barnes, or Kristol. All of you could have spoken loud and clearly by serving your country in uniform, but you didn't. It's not that any of you didn't serve in combat, it's that you didn't serve. Bush doesn't get the benefit of the doubt because his daddy's pull got him in the National Guard. All of you phonies out there know that back in day folks like Bush joined the Guard to get out of going to Vietnam. Don't try the justification that Bush flew jets and was in a dangerous MOS. I bet most of the soldiers in Vietnam would have traded flying jets in Texas to sloushing in rice patties being shot at. So just go away. If Ollie or G. Gordon want to take Kerry to task, fine, let's have at it. The rest of you haven't earned it. Peace

U.S. Army 1981-85
Expert M-16 and Grenade (and I was a computer programmer)
Army Achievement Medal 1985
West Point 1980 (Before the good old boys ran me out)

:: DM1 5/02/2004 08:37:00 AM [+] ::
Contact Info

For those of you who want to respond to one of my blogs, you can respond at "militant.one@att.net" I will post your email and my response. You can be raw, but keep in mind that Michael Powell runs the FCC. I take on all comers. Peace.

:: DM1 5/02/2004 08:03:00 AM [+] ::
Shout Out to My "Number 1" Fan

I just want to give props to my #1 Fan. He is a white conservative republican and needs to run for office like I have been suggesting for years. Now don't get me wrong he's got a little dirt under his fingers just like I do. He also could bring some perspective to the conservative wing of the party. He's been around black folks and white liberals and though he may not agree with all that is going down, he would be a breath of fresh air to the narrow-minded self-centered folks who hover at the top. That the two of us have been able to break bread for lo' these many years I think bodes well for the human condition. Anyway, he's a good friend and I want to spotlight our friendship in this blog. Peace.

:: DM1 5/02/2004 07:51:00 AM [+] ::

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