:: Friday, October 19, 2007 ::
Why is Senator Schumer a member of the Board of Advisors for the organization, The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies? The organization is a front group for Bill Kristol, Clifford May, Frank Gaffney, and the rest of the gang that lied us into Iraq. I am including in this email, an email that I sent to the group, as well as its organization structure and some of its views from the website:
My Email to the FDD:
I have viewed some of the information on your website and I am stunned by several articles that classify the "old left's" scorn for Joe Lieberman and George Bush as polarization politics and hatred. While many democrats may harbor these sentiments the dislike of the two gentlemen stems to a large degree from the frustration of watching Bush take the country down the tubes with little opposition with Lieberman serving as his eager supporter. The short-term (positive?) effects of the “surge” are illusory and comments to the contrary belie a misunderstanding of the dynamics at play. The Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds are ancient people who have long memories and see the current situation in Iraq as an opportunity to gain power, land, and wealth. Their “blood feud” will not be solved by the U.S. , Bush, or the Congress. The surge is working because the Sunnis understand that the only way they will be able match strength with the Shiites and the Kurds is to, at least, for the moment form an alliance with the U.S. military. The Kurds are poised to form a sovereign nation, and the Shiite have no incentive to negotiate in good faith with either the Sunnis or the Kurds since they hold the seat of power. The Shiites are willing to cede northern Iraq to the Kurds because they have no choice. The Kurds are ready to defend any attempts by any party to confiscate the lands, or limit the sovernty that they have enjoyed since the decision by Saddam Hussein to cut his losses and accept the realization that the Kurds could not be conquered without overwhelming military force.
Also, the Kurds have millions of recruits in southern Turkey, which by the way is ready to strike at those Kurds in the south. Any attempt by the Shiites to force the Kurds to acquiesce will most certainly result in significant bloodshed and death. If the Kurds do not comply with the Shiites what will the U.S. do? What is the strategy for diffusing the tension between Turkey and its belligerent citizenry, the Kurds? Turkey has been a valued ally, but is angered by the positive relationship between the Kurds and the U.S. The U.S. is not in a position to make any demands to Turkey that turkey is obligated to accept. Any U.S. military confrontation with Turkey or the Kurds is foolhardy. Most Americans fail to realize that the history of the Shiites, Sunnis, Kurds, and Turks runs thousands of years consisting of overwhelming bloodshed subjugation, domination, self interest, and self preservation. A review of Arab culture would reveal that barter and deal making are hallmarks of their history and neither the Shiites, the Sunnis, the Kurds, nor the Turks will ever accept any arrangement or agreement that leaves them on the short end. Many other variables are in play that some in your organization do not seem to acknowledge. Iraqi Shiites have a big brother in Iran. Iran is covertly supporting the insurgents against the U.S. military for fundamental reasons centering on its ability to protect itself against any military aggression by the U.S., Israel, or any other country.
Iran’s current strategy with respect to Iraq is to ensure that the U.S. military is degraded as much as possible to prohibit its ability to wage war against it, effectively. Also, Iran’s Iraq strategy is predicated on the country’s efforts to develop nuclear weapons with limited opposition by the U.S. Israel’s capacity to militarily respond to Iran’s nuclear objectives is also questionable given these results of its conflict with Hezbollah last year. Any attack by Israel on Iran could be seen as an opportunity by Hezbollah to launch missile attacks on Israel as the group has replenished its stockpile of weapons. What about Hamas? Can Israel fight a two-front war? What about Iran’s response to any provocation by Israel? If Iran responds militarily to Israel how will the U.S. respond? What will be the role of the carrier task forces already in the Persian Gulf? While the weaponry possessed by the carrier groups is more than sufficient to decimate Iran as a country is this strategy operable? How will further conflict in the region affect the “war on Terrorism?” How will further conflict in the region affect the democratic government of Lebanon?
Already, southern Lebanon has been ceded to Hezbollah and its survivability is predicated on the relationship with Hezbollah. Lebanon has no desire to wage any type of military campaign against Hezbollah given that each conflict results if destruction of its infrastructure and the death of its citizens. What was the U.S. response to Israel’s bombing of Lebanon in 2006 given that pacified areas of the country with nominal military value were destroyed: lukewarm rebukes and empty rhetoric. How does the U.S. response to the bombing of a democratic Lebanon by Israel aid the Bush Administration’s strategy of promoting democracy in the region? What incentives did the U.S. give to aspiring Arab democracies? The same can be said for the U.S. response to the travails of the current Iraqi government given its already tenuous position. Iraq President El-Maliki can not achieve any political objectives unless deals are made with the various Shiite groups. The political pressure being applied by the U.S. forces Maliki to establish closer ties with both Iran and Syria to strengthen the legitimacy of theShiite-dominated Iraqi government to its Arab neighbors. The failure of the Bush Administration to anticipate and plan for such a scenario borders on dereliction of duty.
Speaking of Syria, how will it respond to a widening of a regional conflict? Additionally as a staunch supporter of Hezbollah the likelihood of Syria providing military and financial support as well as a huge reserve of manpower is unquestionable. Any deals with the Kurds will not call for any ceding of land or oil fields. The Sunnis are the odd man out because they have nothing to barter, or negotiate. Not only are the Iraqi Sunnis angered, but so too is the Sunni-dominated nation of Saudi Arabia, who by the way has been supporting the Sunni Insurgency, both financially and with ready and willing recruits. Why has the U.S. allowed this treachery to go unpunished? Why is the U.S. planning to sale tens of billions of dollars in military arms and aircraft to Saudi Arabia and other Arab states while also selling even more weaponry and aircraft to Israel? How does arming mutual enemies to-the-teeth advance the Bush Agenda? Why does the U.S. continue to support a Saudi Arabian despotic regime that supports our enemy in Iraq? What about Saudi oil policy which creates a huge transfer of wealth from the U.S. to the Arab state which then uses the money to purchase U.S. military armaments and weaponry and finance groups hostile to U.S. interests.
Foundation for the Defense of Democracies http://www.defenddemocracy.org/
Organizational Structure: Board of Directors Steve Forbes, Board Member, CEO Forbes Magazine
Dr. Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, Founding Member, 2001-2006, Fmr. Ambassador to the UN Jack Kemp, Chairman Emeritus, Fmr. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Distinguished Advisors
Judge Louis J. Freeh, Fmr. Director of the FBI
Sen. Joseph Lieberman(D-CT), U.S. Senate Newt Gingrich, Fmr. Speaker of the House
R. James Woolsey, Fmr. Director of the CIA
Board of Advisors Gary Bauer, President, American Values
Bill Kristol, Editor, Weekly Standard Donna Brazile, Campaign Manager, Democratic strategist, Gore 2000
Hon. Richard D. Lamm, Fmr. Governor, Colorado
Rep. Eric Cantor, Chairman (R-VA), Task Force on Terrorism
Rep. Jim Marshall, (D-GA), U.S. House of Representatives
Rep. Eliot Engel, (D-NY), U.S. House of Representatives
Sen. Zell Miller, (D-GA), Former U.S. Senator Frank Gaffney, President, Center for Security Policy
Richard Perle, Former Chair of the Defense Policy Board and FDD Advisor Amb. Marc Ginsberg, Fmr. Ambassador, Morocco
Steven Pomerantz, Former Assistant Director, FBI Charles Jacobs, President, American Anti-Slavery Group
Oliver "Buck" Revell, Former Associate Deputy Director, FBI Charles Krauthammer, Syndicated Columnist
Sen. Charles E. Schumer, (D-NY), U.S. Senate
Senior Fellows
Khairi Abaza Middle East and Democracy Expert
Andrew C. McCarthy Director, FDD's Center for Law and Counterterrorism Avi Jorisch Terrorism Expert
Barbara Newman Investigative Reporter and Author Samer Libdeh Middle East and Democracy Expert
Dr. Walid Phares Director, FDD's Future of Terrorism Project Mario Loyola Visiting Fellow: Diplomacy and Defense
Victoria Toensing Fmr. Chief Counsel to Sen. Intelligence CommitteeBoard of Directors Adjunct Fellows
Dr. Jonathan Adelman, Professor, University of Denver
Michael I. Krauss, Professor of Law, George Mason University School of Law Richard Z. Chesnoff, Journalist
Agota Kuperman, U.S. Foreign Service (ret.) Paul Crespo, Former Marine Corps Officer and Military Attaché
Joel Mowbray, Journalist Tanya Gilly, Member of the Iraqi National Assembly
Dr. J. Peter Pham, Director of the Nelson Institute for International and Public Affairs, James Madison University Ethan Gutmann, Adjunct Fellow, The Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Dr. Frederic Smoler, Professor, Sarah Lawrence College Orde Kittrie, Law Professor, Arizona State University
Tony Badran, Research Fellow, Levant, The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
Jessica Risch, Research Associate, The Foundation for Defense of Democracies Amb. Richard W. Carlson, Vice Chairman, The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
Cara Rosenthal, Senior Manager, Development, The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
Kyle Dabruzzi, Summer Fellow, The Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Claudia Rosett, Journalist-in-Residence, The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Mark Dubowitz, Chief Operating Officer, The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
Stephanie Schwartz, Communications and Special Projects Coordinator, The Center for Liberty in the Middle East
Sasha Eckstein, Special Assistant, The Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Jonathan L. Snow, Research Fellow, Coalition Against Terrorist Media Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, Vice President of Research, The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
Jean Thurman, Manager, Operations, The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Joshua Goodman, Director of Research, Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Caitlyn Walters, Coordinator, Campus Programs, The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Eleana Gordon, Senior Vice-President, The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
Dan Wilson, Communications Coordinator, The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies Clifford D. May, President, The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
Brian Wise, Director of Media Relations, The Foundation for Defense of Democracies Bill McCarthy, Vice-President, Communications, The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
Adela A. Zachariades, Coordinator, Future of Terrorism Project, The Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
Media and Publications The Danger Zone (10/14/2007) Sunday's WMAL show featured Richard Landes, a professor of Medieval History at Boston University; and syndicated columnist Arnaud de Borchgrave.
Clifford May Discusses Counterinsurgency Strategy on WAMU 88.5 FM (10/10/2007) On Wednesday, October 10, FDD President Clifford May recorded a three-minute audio commentary on WAMU 88.5 FM, describing how the war in Iraq has prompted the U.S. military to reconsider many of the tactics and plans that strategists thought would be the blueprint for all modern day conflicts.
FDD Submits Amicus Brief in Enemy Combatants Case (10/11/2007) FDD's Center for Law & Counterterrorism (CLC), together with the Committee on the Present Danger and the Center for Security Policy, has filed an amicus curiae (friend of the court) brief in Boumediene v. Bush, an important case the Supreme Court will consider this term.
Claudia Rosett Testifies on Corruption in Iraq (10/04/2007) FDD Journalist-in-Residence Claudia Rosett testified on Thursday, October 4, before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, on the status of corruption in the Iraqi government and whether U.S. government efforts to address this continuing problem have been adequate.
Peter Pham Testifies On Human Rights In Horn of Africa (10/02/2007) FDD Adjunct Fellow Dr. Peter Pham testified on Tuesday, October 2, 2007, at a hearing of the Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. He discussed democracy and human rights in Ethiopia.
Gartenstein-Ross Briefs Congressional Staff on US-EU Counterterrorism Cooperation (09/21/2007) On Friday, September 21, Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, FDD's vice president of research, briefed congressional staff on the use of terror lists to combat individuals and organizations involved in planning and conducting acts of terror.
Palestinian Authority to Shut Down Hamas' al-Aqsa TV (09/21/2007) Reports from the West Bank that the Palestinian Authority has chosen to shut down Hamas' al-Aqsa TV operations were met with praise from a group of Muslims, Christians and Jews who are part of the Coalition Against Terrorist Media (CATM).
Clifford May Discusses Iranian Threat at AEI Event (09/10/2007) FDD President Clifford May discussed U.S. strategy toward Iran at a book forum organized by the American Enterprise Institute on Monday, September 10, 2007.
Internet Battle Rages over the Petraeus Report, Future of the US Mission in Iraq (09/10/2007) The debate over whether the Iraq mission led by General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker deserves continued support is raging not only in Washington but also in the blogosphere. Now, a grassroots petition supporting General Petraeus and his troops is making its way around the Internet.
Gartenstein-Ross Featured on CNN's "God's Warriors" (08/22/2007) Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, FDD's vice president of research, was featured in the second installment of CNN's three-part series on politics and faith, “God's Warriors,” hosted by Christiane Amanpour.
FDD Welcomes Freedom's Watch to the Iraq Discourse, Announces New Resources (08/23/2007) As the debate over our nation's future course in Iraq continues, the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) today welcomed Freedom's Watch, a new non-partisan organization dedicated to winning the war in Iraq, to the national discourse.
:: DM1 10/19/2007 07:29:00 PM [+] ::
Email I Sent to the Editor of The Observer, A British Online News Website and His Response
A U.S. Citizen wants to apologize to his cousins in Britain
Dear Sirs, I am contacting your organization to apologize on behalf of the United States for our outrageous and unacceptable behavior during the last six years. I have become a regular reader of your website as I find your reporting to be informative, trustworthy, and factual which are in mind my the three pillars of professional journalism. Unfortunately, these pillars no longer exist in my country. I and many other concerned Americans have been trying to fight the good fight, but our adversaries control much of the power structure of the country. Over the past several months, I have developed a higher degree of urgency in confronting my government over its abominable and corrupt behavior which has eroded the country's principles and international integrity. With the aid of your website and other international sites, I have become aware of the disgraceful actions that my government has sanctioned in the name of the “American People,” and I am embarrassed and ashamed of myself and of my fellow Americans as we have failed to uphold our responsibility to our Constitution and most importantly to our fellow citizens of the world. As a proud, but humbled American, I ask that you and the global community to continue to shine the light on truth and keep the faith, as my fellow Americans and I continue the struggle to reclaim our "shining democracy on the hill." Peace. -------------- Forwarded Message: -------------- Subject: Thank you for your email: A U.S. Citizen wants to apologize to his cousins in Britain Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2007 17:09:59 +0000
The editor wishes to acknowledge your email with thanks.
Unless you have indicated to the contrary, it will be considered for publication and may be edited. Whether or not we have space to publish your letter, it will be read with interest and copied for noting to the relevant journalist or section editor.
Please do not reply to this email, as the account from which it is sent cannot accept incoming email. Instead use letters@observer.co.uk
It was good of you to take the trouble to write.
Yours sincerely
The Letters Editor
The Observer 3-7 Herbal Hill London EC1R 5EJ
:: DM1 10/19/2007 08:57:00 AM [+] ::
Letter To The White House
I am contacting the White House to express my disappointment and frustration by the lack of principle, integrity, and character displayed by the Executive Branch during the past six years. Many of the policies enacted by the Bush Administration have been ill-conceived, short-sighted, and poorly executed. The constant misstatements and in some instances outright lies have damaged our Constitution as well as our country's standing in the world. Mr. Bush and his operatives need to understand that they are only caretakers of the country's government and that they have a responsibility and obligation to the American People to perform their duties in a manner consistent with the United States Constitution and international law. Mr. Bush's constant talk of terror and fear has been very damaging to the psyche of many Americans and we as a people appear to have lost our courage and our mora l standing in the world. My family has produced four generations of military service in each branch of service. My grandfather served in Navy during World War II, my father served in the Air Force and did two tours of duty in Vietnam, I served in the Army during the 1980s, and my nephew serves as a marine, who is weeks away from a tour of duty in Iraq. My family's service to our country is not unique as many other American families have also responded to the "call." The purpose of our service was to protect our fellow citizens and to defend and uphold the principles of our Constitution.
Many of the Bush Administration's policies and actions have eroded the very purpose of my family's service to the country and the patriotism that we have tried to uphold for more than fifty years. My comments have been long in coming as I have been very wary of contacting the White House as I was concerned about being placed on someone's list for being un-American. However, I have the obligation and responsibility to continue my defense of my fellow Americans and the Constitution, so I am prepared for the consequences, if any, of my comments in this email. I remain dismayed by the constant drumbeat of war and the bellicose statements by many who never wore the uniform, but appear to have no shame in asking their fellow Americans to die for very questionable reasons and assertions. I voted for Papa Bush in 1988 and am still an admirer of his as I believe that he embodies the leaders hip, determination, and pragmatism that an effective President must possess. Sadly, it appears that the current President possesses none of the qualities. The events of 9/11 do not define America and should not serve as a facade for impudent decisions and behavior. As a proud American, I refuse to live in fear, or stand idle while my fellow citizens live in constant terror and the country's legacy is disgraced. I urge Mr. Bush and others to reestablish their commitment to the Constitution, the rule of law, and the American People. As for the Iraq War, I hope that Mr. Bush understands that only a true leader can lead warriors into battle and that his stubbornness and arrogance only serve to limit his effectiveness as President and Commander-in-Chief. Peace.
:: DM1 10/19/2007 08:50:00 AM [+] ::
Letter To Obama
While I applaud Obama's effort, he is being ill-served by whoever is advising him on Middle East policy. The biggest failure of U.S. Middle East policy is our inability to fully comprehend, or acknowledge the roots of terrorism directed against America and Israel. Obama's position that Iran can not be allowed to develop nuclaer weapons, while popular on the campaogn trail, is fundamentally flawed. While I have much to say, I will leave you with a portion of an email I wrote to the Glenn Beck program to give you an idea of what I am talking about:
By the way, the next time that you profess the danger and fear that you feel from the Iranian President, take a moment to examine the emotions and anger that he and his people must hold with regard to U.S. support of the Shah and his secret police, our support of Saddam during the Iran/Iraq war, and the U.S. government’s tacit acceptance of Saddam’s use of chemical weapons against Iranian forces. The Iranian President stated that as a result of the war over 200,000 Iranians were killed and more than 600,000 were wounded. Where is our government’s accountability? Why shouldn’t the Iranians seek revenge? Why is Iranian support of Iraq insurgents any more unacceptable than the U.S. and Britain’s covert support of Jundallah, a Sunni insurgent group with ties o Al Qaeda that has been launching terrorist attacks inside Iran for several years? The last statement may surprise you, so go do your homework and check out the validity of the allegation. Why should any Arab/Muslim nation trust us? What about impact to Arab nations of the Redline Agreement, or the Balfour Declaration? How about the numerous agreements and promises made to these nations by the U.S., Britain, and other nations that were not honored? What about the violence, terrorism, and lies perpetrated by Jewish extremists against Palestinians in creating the State of Israel? In 1945, during a meeting with Franklin Roosevelt, the Saudi King, Abd al-Aziz, questioned the President as to why the Arab Nations of the Middle East should bear the responsibility of a Jewish State instead of Europe? While folks like you have the luxury of ignorance, for people like me willful ignorance may be hazardous to our health. Lastly, stop the fear mongering, as you folks continue to frighten a large segment of the American Public with predictions of doom. How are your actions American? Where is the courage and conviction that embodies the American Spirit? If black folks had succumbed to fear that you espouse, the Civil Rights Movement would have never achieved success. Peace
Until Obama develops a more expansive view of the Middle East, his candidacy is tenuous at best.
:: DM1 10/19/2007 08:46:00 AM [+] ::
If Only Negroes Knew Their Place
I don't know how many of you viewed a video taoe that showed a white Florida cop abusing a black 15-year old teenage girl, but what follows is the text of an email that I sent to Fox News:
Comment on the video of young black girl's beat down by cop
So it's all the fault of the 15 year-old black girl that she caught a beat down from the white cop for "resisting" an arrest stemming from a curfew violation. Could it be that she was fearful of being handcuffed by the white cop at night out of concern for her safety? Did the cop consider calling for backup from a female cop to calm the situation? Is it possible that she shares the same fear of white cops that you have for Muslims? Is her fear any less rational than yours? Since many white folks like you share the belief that she was responsible for the cop's brutality are black parents to assume that their children will be subjected to the same type of brutality if they behave irrationally, possibly out of fear, when dealing with white cops alone and at night? Why is it that these types of incidents appear to involve white cops and black citizens 99% of the t time? If the video showed a black cop abusing a young white female teenager would you still have that same opinion? Why are there no videos of black cops brutalizing white folks? If the young girl was your daughter or the daughter of a friend would that changes your perspective? Was punching the young girl in the face necessary? From the audio of the video, the young lady appears to be pleading to the cop during her beat down. Could her pleas have been related to the cop's use of force in forcing her arm behind her back? From the video images, the young lady's arm appears to be forced in a position that could have resulted in her arm being broken. It's obvious that white folks like you are relieved that a tape of the entire incident exists so that you can feel comfortable holding your racist views. Is it possible that these types of incidents, the response by white folks, and the fear that they profess of terrorist attacks, are what embolden the terrorists?
I pose the question because my view of people like you are that you are incapable of being honest or fair-minded and that you lack a rational moral compass which allows you to dismiss the evil that you do, but whine and moan if someone smacks you back. Is this the type of America that the thousands of black troops in Iraq are protecting? Do you believe that these soldiers would share your view or would they be angered by the images and the justifications mad by white folks like you? You and other white folks that think like you have a skewed concept of others’ humanity. I grew up in D.C. surrounded by more violence than a little kid ought to experience, however, short of trying to take my life, I could never brutalized a young white girl in the manner shown in the video because I would be mindful that her actions might be borne of fear, and not anger. My response to a young white girl acting out in such a manner would compel me to call for a female cop to come to the scene a try and calm the young lady. While I’m sure that many white folks like you do not comprehend such a response, I’ve experienced enough violence in my lifetime growing up in DC that I realize the corrosive long-term psychological effects of violent actions on young people. Given the long adversarial relationship between white cops and the black community, incidents like the one in Florida only reinforce the belief that we as a people have more to fear from racist white cops and people like you than we do from Osama.
:: DM1 10/19/2007 08:34:00 AM [+] ::
:: Friday, October 05, 2007 ::
It's All Been Said Before
Tuesday, July 16, 2002
Letter to Bruce Wilson UK Dear Bruce,
The reason why you have been receiving so much negative email is that the truth hurts. Americans are notorious enablers when it comes to their presidents! To american conservatives George W. Bush is not William Jefferson Clinton. It is as simple as that. The american press and the democrats have for the most part rolled over for George W. Bush. You have the courage to say what a lot of americans are thinking, but are unable (afraid?) to express publicly. You are quite correct about the effect of September 11th on Bush's presidency. Examples: terrorist alerts that include every mode of transportation and delivery system known to man, a threat assessment chart that has remained at "Yellow?" despite warnings almost daily of imminent terrorist attacks, John Ashcroft (enough said!), The Patriot Act, Dissenting opinions ridiculed as unpatriotic, an ability to stand before the American People and have no clue as to how to articulate a vision that is a true path to peace, incompetence rewarded as virtue. It goes on! There is a method to the madness: 2004. The conservatives want to remake the judiciary among other goals. This is one of the primary reasons for their backing of George W. Bush. Believe me, in private they will admit that he is not the brightest bulb, but he was electable. They will defend Bush to the very end and the current beginnings of a police state in America is their way of controlling events. Beware of your head my friend! Keep telling the truth because we sure need someone to stand up and shout" "The Emperor has no clothes!" Good Day.
Da' Militant One
:: DM1 10/05/2007 02:32:00 PM [+] ::
:: Thursday, October 04, 2007 ::
Da' Militant One has returned once again!
Life is hectic and time is moving so I'll get right to it. The following rant is directed towards weak asses like Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly:
It would be one thing if fake patriots like Hannity and O’Reilly were real men, but it’s more than ridiculous that these fake tough guys now act as if they actually have heart. Neither was man enough to wear the uniform and now after all these years, they’ve both turned into tough guys. Hannity has spent so much time faking his support for the troops, bashing liberals, whining about Hillary, and talking about Bill Clinton’s genitals that he is nothing more than a joke. Tell the fake tough guy that his act has worn thin. Fox is lucky that there is an abundance of ignorant self-righteous white folks living in America because they, like him, would rather have Americans die in Iraq indefinitely than to admit that they have been completely inept and incompetent in comprehending, or understanding the facts as they stand on the ground in Iraq. But, that’s okay because they are white and conservative so they must be right. I know Hannity met with Bush and got his marching orders to talk up a war with Iran while his ass will still be in the States holding phony freedom concerts and bragging about his “patriotism” and “faith.” Let’s talk about his “patriotism” for a moment. I was listening to Hannity’s show a few years ago and a caller called him out for never wearing the uniform. His response? He actually said that he was not called to serve, as if there was a draft back in the day and he didn’t get drafted. The caller pointed out that all the fake patriot had to do was go to the nearest recruiting station and raise his right hand. Instead he wussed out and now he’s Edward R. Murrow! Based on his daily rants about Hillary and Bill, I can only surmise that he secretly is attracted to Hillary and as for Bill, I don’t know too many men that would obsess over another man’s genitals for so many years. Hannity’s “faith?” All of the true Christians that I have known in my lifetime didn’t have to profess their faith over and over as if bragging. They also had a kind spirit and were gentle souls. I never heard any of them tear down people on a daily basis. One more thing, Hannity’s worship of Bush is no different than Monica’s worship of Bill Clinton, she just performed her worship on her knees. Maybe Hannity’s into “salad tossing?”
And then there’s O’Reilly, the fake “John Wayne.” Mr. Tough Guy also failed to put on a uniform and now he’s threatening folks and trying to call folks out. Are folks supposed to be scared? Like most white folks that support the war, he talks a good game from the sidelines. By the way where are all those young republicans that support the war?” Since white conservatives are the true Americans, why haven’t those eligible for military service, enlist? Why hasn’t Fox asked young white conservatives to serve their country. Where are the children of Fox employees? How many are in Iraq? Not many I suspect because they like Hannity and O’Reilly are too busy being fake patriots, phony Christians, and cowards here in the states. See back in the day, me and three of my childhood friends, all young black men from the streets of D.C., joined the military during Reagan’s Presidency which means that while Hannity, O’reilly, Kristol, Hume, Wallace, and the rest of you were hunkering down in your basements playing “Army” my friends and I were the true patriots who gladly put their lives at risk to keep America free and safe. And that’s the disgrace of it all, those with the most mouth and pseudo-courage have spent years pretending to be men and patriots, but they are neither, they are just a bunch of weak-ass white boys grifting off of the liberty that my friends and I spent years protecting in uniform! Labels: bvbcjs
:: DM1 10/04/2007 04:31:00 PM [+] ::